How might we improve the add a listing experience for Food Waste Heroes to reduce their usage of a copy listing functionality as this was prone to technical issues?
I did a task analysis of the listings that FWHs added, and the listings they copied to identify any themes or patterns between them.
It quickly became apparent the same text was copied across several listings, suggesting the time and effort of rewriting that text was a reason why users were copying the whole listing.
I identified 4 common themes that informed the design changes:
• specifying quantity of items
• dates (use by/best before)
• specifying rules when requesting (how to arrange pickup)
• if they need to bring a bag
I then identified a few hypotheses using the jobs to be done framework:
• Hypothesis 1 - FWHs add a lot of listings with a lot of text. To them, it feels easier to copy the listing with all the info and then edit it rather than rewriting from scratch.
• Hypothesis 2 - Many FWHs write a lot of the same instructions (specify amount, bring a bag etc) so we could group these as listing 'guidelines' and apply them to the listings automatically.
• Hypothesis 3 - There isn't a field for specific 'pick up instructions' so making it easier to share this info would improve the experience.
I designed some mock-ups of the improvements based on the hypotheses.
I setup user testing with 5 active food waste heroes who were using the copy function and presented them with the updated mock designs.
• The majority of the users loved the idea of including a set of 'guidelines' to their listings and remarked it would save them from 'having to type them out'.
• The prompt to share pick-up instructions when messaging with a requester was well received, and it 'felt intuitive' to go share more specific details in context.
I presented the insights, the results of the user testing, and the proposed design approach on a company call which excited a lot of stakeholders in the business.
The developers of the C2C team (a different dev team) and I worked collaboratively to quickly launch the updated experience.
After releasing these listing improvements, we observed a 22.3% decrease of copied listings from FWH's.
We also saw an increase of the 'Olio Guidelines' being added to FWH listings. The updated pick-up instructions were used by both user types with an increase of 38.7%